Beyond The World [ Chapter 1 ] -part 1-

Part 1
Chapter 1

 ‘Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan, are you present?’ Mr. Barnes looked up, scanning the whole class when he wasn’t answered. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, before he slowly sighed, putting an ‘O’ sign at the attendance book. Although the all-time class ditcher didn’t present, but there was still a sign of concern showed in his mien. He stood up as he took off his glasses, setting it on the table before taking a deep breath.

 ‘Listen here, class. I…do not know what is the most priority thing that you’re thinking in your life. Maybe you think that study isn’t that important. I know you’re sick and tired of all those exams, tests, assignments and homework. But trust me, I know how it feels. I was a student too. But, education is probably the most obvious line that differs all of the CEOs of the companies and the homeless beggars out there. It is…’ Mr. Barnes kept on giving his preaches, but Oliver bet nobody was listening. He saw Samantha and Halen were giggling so loudly at the back of the class, despite the fact that Mr. Barnes was talking in front. 

Oliver looked over to Mitch’s place, which was only next to him. He assumed that Mitch was probably at his friend’s place, playing poker and watching movies together. It could be Jake’s place, Sam’s place or Carl’s. Yeah, maybe that’s what made him not coming to school today. He once asked Oliver to cut school with him one day to go to the newly opened arcade. However, Oliver was lucky enough to reject his offer. It was the day that Officer Frederick and his team raided the place, causing five students of Malency High School to face the principal, and suffered a day or two of difficulty to sit or sleep. Everyone knew that the principal had a ‘lethal’ whip. But, thinking about the incident, made Oliver chuckle. Although Mitch was popular among the discipline teachers, he also happened to be one of the top 20 students. 

To be honest, he actually felt guilty seeing his teacher talking in front of the class, probably for 5 minutes now, but no one paid any attention. So, he shifted his gaze from outside the window to the front class. He felt weird now. He thought he just saw a bird outside the window, mimicking his expression and making fun of him. Pinching the region between his eyes with two fingers, he tried to keep his focus not to mention his sanity. ‘So, for the holiday’s homework…’ Mr. Barnes spoke, before slamming a dictionary of 3 inches thick onto the table. ‘Bang..!’ The thud sound made the whole class turned extremely quiet, before it continued with a small ‘pop’ sound made by Billy the Chewy who was chewing a gum. That moment, he quickly spit it out and wrapped it in a paper. The whole class looked pale. Even Diane, the class-chatter and also happened to be the daughter of the city’s police chief was speechless. 

‘Does anyone have anything to say? Please step forward so everyone can hear about it. Mrs. Stewart? Perhaps you can share something with us?’ Mr. Barnes pointed directly to Diane with a chalk even when he’s facing the blackboard. It was like he had another eye at the back of his head. Oliver had to admit he was left agape like a stupid carp fish when his teacher almost stopped the chalk at him, before moving it to Diane.
‘No sir.’ Diane slowly replied, before lowering her face as Mr. Barnes turned to the class, definitely to avoid any eye-contact with her teacher. 

Mr. Barnes cleared his throat. ‘So, as I said. Each of you will take a piece of paper in this box, for the topic of the assignment for the holiday. Then, you may go to the school’s library to make an early research. I’ll be watching.’ He stated as he sat down, writing some notes into his planner. Oliver noticed that the person at the teacher’s desk made a quick scribble on the paper before he raised his pen about a foot in the air, took aim and made a full stop the page. It made an earsplitting sound and all of his students believed he had pierced through his planner, or maybe made a hole at the desk. The first person who dared enough to die was Brandon, the teacher’s pet as he stood and walked to the front desk, followed by Wilbert, Kate and so on. The last person was him. 

‘Thank you Mr. Barnes.’ Oliver said as he reached down into the box, fumbling for the last piece of paper.
‘No problem, Mr. Clay. Have a nice holiday.’ He gave his student a half smile, which Oliver thought was sincere.
Yeah, it’s true. It was Friday. In the next 6 hours the school will be jammed with the students screaming, yelling and the school hall will be filled with papers and homework. It was the day before a long holiday break. Yup, summer break. Probably the best moment for those rich brats who planned to go for some luxury vacations and get themselves pampered. Oliver opened the paper. [Future of a Child in a Developing World]

‘Shoot…’ Oliver muttered under his breath as he walked out of the class. On his way to the library, he purposely sauntered along the hall, taking the long way and past the bulletin board. The first thing that came to his notice was a big digital clock, about the size of a large pizza box, which was precisely and cautiously calculating the countdown for the holiday. At the first glance Oliver knew it belonged to Adam, as he once saw the clock at his place when he threw a party earlier this year. It thoughtfully read 05:57:36. The second thing was the usual. Oliver saw a red brassiere being pinned onto the board, with a note and a name ‘Marcie’ attached to it. Not only that, there were notes about the teachers and Ben, the school bully. Needless to say, he supposed that those notes were negative. Although he had to admit all of the teachers at Malency High were ‘different’. He neatly folded his assignment and kept it in his front pocket.

1 comment:


    OH btw, just to suggest, better disable word verification kot. for both blogs if possible. make it easier to post comments :)
